Serving Communities Since 2005
Enjoy a Lifetime of Free Solar Energy


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is SolarFree ?

It’s a  Roof Top Solar installation system that Pays you back.

What are the benefits for me?

  • Fastest Payback in the Industry.
  • High ROI.
  • Become a supporter of climate change mitigation.

How much does it cost ?

The Customer gets the Payback of his purchase price, within 3 years.

So it’s FREE for you at that time.

In which Emirates is the System available ?

It’s available immediately in Dubai. It will be rolled out in all other Emirates soon.

Are there any hidden costs to the customer ?

There are no other hidden costs to the customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SolarFree ?

It’s a Roof Top Solar installation system that Pays you back.

What are the benefits for me?

Fastest Payback in the Industry.
High ROI.
Become a supporter of climate change mitigation.

How much does it cost ?

The Customer gets the Payback of his purchase price, within 3 years.
So it’s FREE for you at that time.

In which Emirates is the System Available?

It’s available immediately in Dubai. It will be rolled out in all other Emirates soon.

Are there any hidden costs to the Customer?

There are no other hidden costs to the customer.

Read More..

Enjoy a Lifetime of Solar Energy Savings


Solar Education – Coming Soon

  • Portfolio One
  • Portfolio Two
  • Portfolio Three
  • Portfolio Four